Due to everything that's happening at the moment there will be some changes to normal business practice.
(Latest Update: 5th Jan 2022)
Outdoor classes are back outside! Limit is 30 but I cap my classes at 25. We will still remain socially distanced and please continue washing hands pre and post class - I will also still carry hand sanitiser with me.
Outdoor classes are Monday to Thursday 6:30-7:15pm and there are still online classes available - to view timetable, buy packages and book classes please create an account on and follow me HGFIT. You must book classes in advance, especially with face to face classes for track and trace purposes. Booking online is needed to get the zoom links.
FIT Plans
My FIT Plans will continue to be on sale at a reduced price of £22.50 so you can keep yourself exercising in the comfort of your own home. I will also be donating 50% from each sale to charity. The current charity I'm fundraising for is Hygiene Bank Wandsworth.
At the moment I have some sweatshirts, long sleeve t-shirts and some short sleeve T shirts, beanies and headbands. Do let me know if you have any special requests for anything and if enough are interested I can get them ordered. I make a small donation to charity with each order.
Personal Training
I can do 121 and 122 personal training face to face and am back using equipment again, which is cleaned between each client. be using any equipment again. We will be keeping a distance of 1m or more and any clients that don't feel comfortable or are unable to train at the Common we will be training online still. Anyone experiencing symptoms or anyone in their household with symptoms must not attend a session. If in any doubt please err on the side of caution.
My diary is almost completely booked up, please get in touch to see availability or if you'd like to be added to my waiting list and for more info, click here to learn more.
Because this is all such weird times please be kind, patient and respectful of others. And obviously please feel free to ask other's to join as the more the merrier!
I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for your ongoing support, positivity and for being so adaptable, it has made all the changes that much easier to deal with. What a year and a bit it's been but it feels like there is light at the end of the tunnel now!
Any questions, please ask and please reach out if you need help.
HGFIT Reward Chart
I've made a reward chart to help keep myself focused and moving forwards and I thought I'd make it downloadable for you guys as well in case it's helpful for anyone else to print and complete.
Your tasks can be as many as you like and anything you like, as big or as small as you need for that week - examples like: Read, sew, paint by numbers, call a friend, bake, make the bed, have a shower, go for a walk, stretch, drink Xl water a day, workout, cook a home cooked meal, clean the bathroom, meditate for 2 mins, go to bed at Xpm, wake up at Xam - literally whatever you want to achieve.
The second column is how many times you'd like to achieve that goal. Every time you achieve it you can tick, highlight, draw a smiley or in my case I have stickers so yes I'm doing a sticker reward chart - if it can work for a 5 year old it can work for me.
At the bottom I've added a total number of times you want to achieve it and next to it how many you actually get at the end of each week.
Another idea is maybe see how many ticks or stickers you'd like to achieve in the week and if you hit your goal reward yourself with something. Or maybe accumulate that over a certain amount of time and reward yourself with something even bigger.
So yeah, hopefully this is helpful to one other person! First download is the blank copy, second is an example.